It's scary when I don't understand
I meet up with Freddie in the afternoon. We didn't had anything to do so we decided to take some photos just for fun. Today the weather was windy and raining. I really like that because I didn't need to walk around sweaty, but the rain kinda makes it hard to take pictures outside. I don't have any cover for my camera. We should have take the pictures on the morning, because it got cloudy and dark so I had to take the pictures with high iso. Well next time we going to plan this better.
It was really kind by Freddie to ask me if I want to join him and meet some friends from his hometown. They where going to just chillin with each other because they didn't get to their hometown and celebrate. I didn't want to join them because I really don't understand chinese and I don't wanna be a burden to Freddie.
So I went for some Wun Tun but the waiter said something in chinese like there's nothing left. So I went to another restaurant. Here's the scary thing. When I sat down I took out my iPhone. Everyone who works there started to get close to me and speak chinese with me. I told them that I don't understand Chinese, but they keep talked with/about me. The cheif even sat down at my table while I was eating. It was uncomfortable because they sound really dangerous like they where screaming/arguing about something, maybe they are friendly but it seriously doesn't sounds like that.
Tomorrow my plan is to eat sushi or dim sum depends on where I go. Hunan Lu = Dim sum, Xin Jie Kuo = Sushi.
Do you guys know what I wanna eat right now? Kebab=( and I also need a haircut. I think that I look so dirty in curly and long hair, but I want to save to a ponytail

It was really kind by Freddie to ask me if I want to join him and meet some friends from his hometown. They where going to just chillin with each other because they didn't get to their hometown and celebrate. I didn't want to join them because I really don't understand chinese and I don't wanna be a burden to Freddie.
So I went for some Wun Tun but the waiter said something in chinese like there's nothing left. So I went to another restaurant. Here's the scary thing. When I sat down I took out my iPhone. Everyone who works there started to get close to me and speak chinese with me. I told them that I don't understand Chinese, but they keep talked with/about me. The cheif even sat down at my table while I was eating. It was uncomfortable because they sound really dangerous like they where screaming/arguing about something, maybe they are friendly but it seriously doesn't sounds like that.
Tomorrow my plan is to eat sushi or dim sum depends on where I go. Hunan Lu = Dim sum, Xin Jie Kuo = Sushi.
Do you guys know what I wanna eat right now? Kebab=( and I also need a haircut. I think that I look so dirty in curly and long hair, but I want to save to a ponytail

Posted by: LVE
scary lah!, var försiktigt får dem tag på din iphone bli dem rika över en dag... det e sant, sånt händer i vietnam med, typ om man har en macbook
Posted by: Trieu Bui
Ja det verka som det. De blir helt nyfikna så fort de vet att det är en iPhone 4