Shanghai Expo
I know my blog post start to get really boring, but that doesn't mean that I don't have fun. Click here to see a video I did for you guys. It's Trieu as an expo guide;)
During the holiday me and Via talked about to visit Shanghai Expo. For those who doesn't know about the expo I'll try to explain to you what it is. The expo took place in Shanghai this time. They choose a place where it should take place. Inside that area each country has an area to build up a pavillion. It's up tp each country how it should be designed inside out.
We spent two days in the expo. On saturday it took us five minutes to enter the expo, compare to saturday it took us one hour to get in. Since the expo started in May this saturday broke a new record with over one million visitors and I was one of them. It was alot of people there but lucky I'm swedish citizens so we enter all the scandinavian countries as VIP. That means that I didn't have to wait in the queue to get in, so we saved alot of time because of that. The ticket price for one day cost 160 yuen, but if you are a student you can buy it for 100 yuen.
I had time to visit 13 pavillions. If I didn't go with Via I rather spend more of my time in the asian area. Because I think the european countries are almost the same as Sweden, I mean the lifestyle we live in. To see from the outside was also enough for me. To enter the popular pavillions like Japan, Germany, Saudia Arabia and China(the biggest pavillion) you have to wait for five hours or even more.
Shanghai built one new subway line just for the expo. It was so funny to take the expo subway, when the subway arrived it took three seconds to fill the train. I'm not joking just three seconds.
I was exhausted after the expo but it was a life experience and I won't forget it.

har du glömt BTX dansen vi gjorde på videon? pointing the stars :D... fina bilder, men kan du inte göra så när man klicka på de så bli det en ny flik lr fönster? "större bilder"
Fina bilder, jag ser att det fattas en bild dock ;) hähä
And yeah, eehm nice dance ?
i misss yooouuu trieu!!! jag och kim låg och pratade igår om hur mkt vi saknar diig! ville bara att du skulle veta det =D
,,kul att du haft så fina upplevelser där kompis,, blir en aning avis på dig nuu... PUSS och massa kärlek!!
hahhaha såå sööööt du är trieu,, såg videon nu...
LVE: haha jag kör den nästa gång, musiken passade inte in till den stilen=) du menar att jag ska köra på miniatyr bilder, men då känns bloggen så tom. Så jobbig att man inte kan ladda upp alla bilder på en och samma gång i
Heart: Hahaha vilken bild kan det vara ;) Visa mig hur man dansa då=)
Nadja: Jag saknar er också. Du och killen få ta och resa tillsammans mer ;)