Jinling school and Nanjing University
November 4 2010 Thursday

My new pose
We couldn't find the restaurant and every chinese guy we asked they didn't know about that restaurant. I asked a guy from Arabia and he prefer to speak to Katy in chinese rather than speak english to me. I stood there with my mouth opened and looked at them speak to each other. It doesn't looks right to see a guy from Arabia speak Chinese. I was really nervous to go out with Katy because we couln't barely comminucate in castle bar so when Rabbit isn't here how can we understand each other? If she doesn't understand me I wrote it down in a book and also she use her dictionary sometimes. We called it her weapon. About the book, she didn't like the title so she want me to think of another one.

My new pose
Visit Rabbit and Katy at their school called Jinling institute of technology. Jinling school is seperated in 3 schools, they study at the smallest one. 4000 students study there.
I asked a guy if he could take picture of me, Rabbit and Katy. When he knew that I was from Sweden he was so excited that he even grab my hand and was jumping at the same time. Rabbit didn't had time to follow me and Katy to Nanjing University(the best university in Nanjing), but she recommend us to try a french restaurant. That school really big and you can see alot of foreigners there.
I asked a guy if he could take picture of me, Rabbit and Katy. When he knew that I was from Sweden he was so excited that he even grab my hand and was jumping at the same time. Rabbit didn't had time to follow me and Katy to Nanjing University(the best university in Nanjing), but she recommend us to try a french restaurant. That school really big and you can see alot of foreigners there.
We couldn't find the restaurant and every chinese guy we asked they didn't know about that restaurant. I asked a guy from Arabia and he prefer to speak to Katy in chinese rather than speak english to me. I stood there with my mouth opened and looked at them speak to each other. It doesn't looks right to see a guy from Arabia speak Chinese. I was really nervous to go out with Katy because we couln't barely comminucate in castle bar so when Rabbit isn't here how can we understand each other? If she doesn't understand me I wrote it down in a book and also she use her dictionary sometimes. We called it her weapon. About the book, she didn't like the title so she want me to think of another one.

Posted by: ♥
Mitt hjärta korssas i små små bitar nu, again :(
hahaha :D
Posted by: Jainie
Heelloo !
Läste ngnstans att du skulle plugga där i 4-6 mån om jag inte har fel? Känner du nu efter att du har varit där ett tag att det är för lite eller knr du att det är lagomt ? :)
Posted by: Trieu
♥: Jaså vem pusslade ihop den sist?
Jainie: Hm, jag tror nästan att det är för lite. Hade nog velat stanna här 3 månader till kanske, men ibland saknar man ju sin familj och kompisar hemma i Sverige
Posted by: LVE
snyggt du lär dig lite taichi, bra för kropp/hälsa :D
Posted by: Trieu
De kan yoga också men jag orkade inte göra det=)