Have I become a Chinese?
October 30 2010 Saturday

I want a halloween costume for tonight. Candy took me to a store in Fujimao(Confucius temple) the only thing I found was a mask. The costume I want to buy is hard to find. I have to wait to next year to wear it.
Me and Candy walked behind two guys at Fujimao and they was throwing their garbage on the road. I was thinking "What the fuck are they doing with China". I really want to beat them.
We meet an handsome seller in fashion lady and Candy really like him. He have a good education in Nanjing's best university and is a dancer. He's the owner of the store, his name is David. It was so fun to see Candy flirt with him.
Pelle and I was going out. When we took the taxi to a dutch restaurant Pelle sat besides the driver and tried to explain where we want to go, when they couldn't understand each other the taxi driver turn around and looked at me like "can you translate?" and I was like "no no no I'm not chinese, he know more chinese than I do."
The name of the restaurant is Secco, Do you guys know how happy I was to eat european food again? I order schnitzel and for drink I order Frozen strawberry daiquiri. The bar/restaurant had a pool table so we played the looser treat the other part a drink. Unexpected that I won so Pelle asked the owner if he could mix his own drinks. Pelle has work as a bartender for 8 years so he know what he's doing. He made flying grasshopper for me and it taste really good.
It didn't felt normal to see so many asian people have costume at castle bar. We meet Ellinor and Emelie there and also made some new friends. Katy, Rabbit and Samantha.
I talked to a germany girl who had a swedish friend name Yan Yan and when she mention that name I thought it was same friend I have back in Sweden, but it wasn't

I want a halloween costume for tonight. Candy took me to a store in Fujimao(Confucius temple) the only thing I found was a mask. The costume I want to buy is hard to find. I have to wait to next year to wear it.
Me and Candy walked behind two guys at Fujimao and they was throwing their garbage on the road. I was thinking "What the fuck are they doing with China". I really want to beat them.
We meet an handsome seller in fashion lady and Candy really like him. He have a good education in Nanjing's best university and is a dancer. He's the owner of the store, his name is David. It was so fun to see Candy flirt with him.
Pelle and I was going out. When we took the taxi to a dutch restaurant Pelle sat besides the driver and tried to explain where we want to go, when they couldn't understand each other the taxi driver turn around and looked at me like "can you translate?" and I was like "no no no I'm not chinese, he know more chinese than I do."
The name of the restaurant is Secco, Do you guys know how happy I was to eat european food again? I order schnitzel and for drink I order Frozen strawberry daiquiri. The bar/restaurant had a pool table so we played the looser treat the other part a drink. Unexpected that I won so Pelle asked the owner if he could mix his own drinks. Pelle has work as a bartender for 8 years so he know what he's doing. He made flying grasshopper for me and it taste really good.
It didn't felt normal to see so many asian people have costume at castle bar. We meet Ellinor and Emelie there and also made some new friends. Katy, Rabbit and Samantha.
I talked to a germany girl who had a swedish friend name Yan Yan and when she mention that name I thought it was same friend I have back in Sweden, but it wasn't

Posted by: LVE
snygga bilder, det måste vara pelle där va?
Posted by: Trieu
Ja det där är Pelle min roomate.