It's my first time study abroad and it's in Nanjing, China

"Friends with benefits"

I wanna dedicade this post to my good friends Hang and My Thu. I have been knowing them for 1 year and my opinion is that we have became really good friends. They really taking care of their friends. So if you guys don't know these girls. Get to know them, they can really give you a "royal treatment" and I'm not talking about sexual things. ;)

You guys should know that even if I don't call, text you guys it doesn't means that I've forget you.

Before my flight departure

Arlanda, before my flight departure

The long way to Hunan Lu

Did you guys know that Nanjing is the most safest city in China? So I decided to go to Hunan Lu, and this time without taking the cab. Sweetie told me that I should start use my Canon instead of taking pictures with my iPhone. She's making me a better man.

So before I went out I took a quick look over the Nanjing city in google maps. It's unbelievable that I got lost. Instead of skate towards Hunan Lu, I manage some how to skate away from it. So I after awhile came to purple mountain, I didn't went up there. I was just at the bottom. Didn't want to take the cab back so I decided to just skate around Nanjing, it was an adventure to just do such a thing.

At 8 pm I started to get tired, so I took the cab to Hunan Lu. Took some photos and I found a nice store where they sell clothes and other small stuffs. I bought blazer and a really small but cheap straightener for 45 yuen (around 50 swedish kronor).

As you guys know I've started school. Some think that I go to classes with other people, no it's just me and the teacher.  I couldn't go in the same class as the other because they only speak chinese in the lecture.

I miss them

This was before I went to China. I miss them so much, I wish they where here right now

Watch the video here

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I decided to use because it faster.
Sorry for the horrible blog design, I'll fix it when I got time. I fixed so that I can publish videos now and that's great=).

my old blog

My other blog

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