November 24 Cloudy Wednesday
Had a breakdown last night. I was so sad because of my life. Today after class I went out to meet Samantha. She's a native here in Nanjing and she's a boss. Samantha running a store in Fashion lady so I asked her some question about it and just hang out with her. I'm up and running now, feeling better after my breakdown.

Had a breakdown last night. I was so sad because of my life. Today after class I went out to meet Samantha. She's a native here in Nanjing and she's a boss. Samantha running a store in Fashion lady so I asked her some question about it and just hang out with her. I'm up and running now, feeling better after my breakdown.

Posted by: A
Aaawe jag blev sugen på frukter nu :(
Posted by: Trieu
Någon har visst bytt namn, du måste bara testa desserten, så go.
Posted by: ♥
aaaah bara på iphonen dock ^^
Posted by: Kim
Life ain´t easy my dear. It consists of many choices and decisions which make up our path. Everything isn´t obvious, it takes time. Don´t you forget your friends, we´re always here to support you! <3
Missing u alot:)
Posted by: Trieu
Thanks Lao Xiong