Back from Beijing
December 15 th cloudy wednesday
Came back this morning to Nanjing. Pelle is leaving China tomorrow and he's both happy and sad because of leaving china. My first friend and guide in china will be gone tomorrow=( and also my other roomie Jin will leave soon. Next weekend is Christmas, dammit I have to admit that I have a little bit home sick now. Just a little bit. I'll update my days in Beijing later on. Today I dedicade this day for my roomie Pelle.
Came back this morning to Nanjing. Pelle is leaving China tomorrow and he's both happy and sad because of leaving china. My first friend and guide in china will be gone tomorrow=( and also my other roomie Jin will leave soon. Next weekend is Christmas, dammit I have to admit that I have a little bit home sick now. Just a little bit. I'll update my days in Beijing later on. Today I dedicade this day for my roomie Pelle.
Posted by: Linnea
Väntar med spänning på Beijing-uppdateringen! ;)
Nu, hemma i Sverige igen (dock efter en helvetesresa med borttappat boarding card, fem timmar försenat plan och svettluktande bastant rysk tant till granne). Trots snö, ostmackor och lussekatter saknar jag redan Kina lite grann... Ta vara på sista tiden!
Posted by: _keke_
Råkade hamna här =P Men iaf åkte du med skolan dit eller med sinoteket? =P