You tought me how to fly and then shot me down like a bird...
...but I'm still proud of myself that I flew a little bit.
The last light just went out. I think this blog have done it thing. It's finished.
Tonight I won't sleep at all.

The last light just went out. I think this blog have done it thing. It's finished.
Tonight I won't sleep at all.

Mezzo, 1912
I got a call from Freddie on friday afternoon. He asked if I want to go out with him and his friends to a place call 1912. 1912 is a place where there's a lot of clubs. Me, Freddie and ChuangChaung went to a club, Mezzo. So how was the club? alot of tables and the dancefloor was really tiny. We meet up with Fruit, ChuangChuangs boyfriend.
We was zippin remy martin for free because ChaungChaung knew some manager there. I didn't know that until the end.
So how do I manage to have fun when the dancefloor was really tiny? It's all in your head, it how you make your night. Well I have to say that the MC was really good and when they played "Waka Waka - Shakira" on the dancefloor everyone was doing the same moves, it was awesome and will always think of Nanjing when I hear that song. And in the end everyone was having a good time and Fruit taught me some moves. Watch our night here. Oh and I also got to know some swedish, vietnamese and other foreigner that night.
Today I have being with Ashell, she kept me company in fashion lady. It has been 2-3 days since I saw her the last time. We had alot to talk about and it was really fun to be with her or what do you say Ashell "how much?". Hahaha.

We was zippin remy martin for free because ChaungChaung knew some manager there. I didn't know that until the end.
So how do I manage to have fun when the dancefloor was really tiny? It's all in your head, it how you make your night. Well I have to say that the MC was really good and when they played "Waka Waka - Shakira" on the dancefloor everyone was doing the same moves, it was awesome and will always think of Nanjing when I hear that song. And in the end everyone was having a good time and Fruit taught me some moves. Watch our night here. Oh and I also got to know some swedish, vietnamese and other foreigner that night.
Today I have being with Ashell, she kept me company in fashion lady. It has been 2-3 days since I saw her the last time. We had alot to talk about and it was really fun to be with her or what do you say Ashell "how much?". Hahaha.

Chuck Taylor, a love story Trieu created
Distance means So little when you love someone so much
Tonight I'm going out to a placed called 1912.
Negga negga negga
When I woke up I felt that the weather allowed me to get out and running. After my pass I walked around the running field and a man came to me and asked about the time. He started to talk in english with me because I told him I don't speak Chinese. It was really fun to talk to him, because every time he didn't know how to explain something he started every meaning with saying "negga negga negga" or maybe "n*gga n*gga n*gga" (Hope I don't get in trouble for this) I dont know which one he say, but it sounds almost the same. At the begining was like shocked and tought that I heard wrong but after awhile I realise that he really say that world. At that time I had not eat anything and the sun was really hot so I almost fainted. I tried to stay up and talk to that man but the only thing I heard from him was "negga negga negga". I didn't want to be rude and walk away. I want to record our conversation but that's make me a bad person.
So after that while me and Freddie went for some shopping I asked Freddie what that means and he said that if you don't find any word you can use "negga". So I walked around and used it the whole day.
I went to buy some jacket/hoodie because it start to get cold here in Nanjing, but I didn't buy any jacket. Instead I bought 2 shoes, 1 shirt and a really nice bag.
I have made a shopping rule because I can't go around and buy everything I want. So the rule is, every 3 days I can buy 1 clothes or if I manage to stay without shopping for 5 days in row I earn to buy 2 clothes.
I eat sushi today, it was a bless. Feels like I haven't eat it for years. Anyway Freddie got a text message that there's some girls at our university that want to meet me. So we met up with them and had some beers and I teached them play "pokay", but in mandarin instead.

So after that while me and Freddie went for some shopping I asked Freddie what that means and he said that if you don't find any word you can use "negga". So I walked around and used it the whole day.
I went to buy some jacket/hoodie because it start to get cold here in Nanjing, but I didn't buy any jacket. Instead I bought 2 shoes, 1 shirt and a really nice bag.
I have made a shopping rule because I can't go around and buy everything I want. So the rule is, every 3 days I can buy 1 clothes or if I manage to stay without shopping for 5 days in row I earn to buy 2 clothes.
I eat sushi today, it was a bless. Feels like I haven't eat it for years. Anyway Freddie got a text message that there's some girls at our university that want to meet me. So we met up with them and had some beers and I teached them play "pokay", but in mandarin instead.

Moon Cake
Damn Robin Hood
Can't sleep after I watched Robin Hood. Now I going to call little brother Jinn "fuckyouman"=)

Good night hun
I'm going to sleep early tonight.
It's scary when I don't understand
I meet up with Freddie in the afternoon. We didn't had anything to do so we decided to take some photos just for fun. Today the weather was windy and raining. I really like that because I didn't need to walk around sweaty, but the rain kinda makes it hard to take pictures outside. I don't have any cover for my camera. We should have take the pictures on the morning, because it got cloudy and dark so I had to take the pictures with high iso. Well next time we going to plan this better.
It was really kind by Freddie to ask me if I want to join him and meet some friends from his hometown. They where going to just chillin with each other because they didn't get to their hometown and celebrate. I didn't want to join them because I really don't understand chinese and I don't wanna be a burden to Freddie.
So I went for some Wun Tun but the waiter said something in chinese like there's nothing left. So I went to another restaurant. Here's the scary thing. When I sat down I took out my iPhone. Everyone who works there started to get close to me and speak chinese with me. I told them that I don't understand Chinese, but they keep talked with/about me. The cheif even sat down at my table while I was eating. It was uncomfortable because they sound really dangerous like they where screaming/arguing about something, maybe they are friendly but it seriously doesn't sounds like that.
Tomorrow my plan is to eat sushi or dim sum depends on where I go. Hunan Lu = Dim sum, Xin Jie Kuo = Sushi.
Do you guys know what I wanna eat right now? Kebab=( and I also need a haircut. I think that I look so dirty in curly and long hair, but I want to save to a ponytail

It was really kind by Freddie to ask me if I want to join him and meet some friends from his hometown. They where going to just chillin with each other because they didn't get to their hometown and celebrate. I didn't want to join them because I really don't understand chinese and I don't wanna be a burden to Freddie.
So I went for some Wun Tun but the waiter said something in chinese like there's nothing left. So I went to another restaurant. Here's the scary thing. When I sat down I took out my iPhone. Everyone who works there started to get close to me and speak chinese with me. I told them that I don't understand Chinese, but they keep talked with/about me. The cheif even sat down at my table while I was eating. It was uncomfortable because they sound really dangerous like they where screaming/arguing about something, maybe they are friendly but it seriously doesn't sounds like that.
Tomorrow my plan is to eat sushi or dim sum depends on where I go. Hunan Lu = Dim sum, Xin Jie Kuo = Sushi.
Do you guys know what I wanna eat right now? Kebab=( and I also need a haircut. I think that I look so dirty in curly and long hair, but I want to save to a ponytail

Around the school
In this video I show you guys a part of my school and how crowdy it's.
Sorry for the high volume of the background music.
Around the school and a little more
Sorry for the high volume of the background music.
Around the school and a little more
Kung pao shrimp
I planned to upload a video but it takes forever to export it. So I'll upload it tomorrow instead.
Tomorrow it's Middle autumn festival here in Nanjing, so some of the students will go to their hometown and celebrate it with their family. You guys know the moon cake? In vietnam we called it "banh trung thu"(spell). Actually I got moon cake from my landlord. She's so cute=).

Tomorrow it's Middle autumn festival here in Nanjing, so some of the students will go to their hometown and celebrate it with their family. You guys know the moon cake? In vietnam we called it "banh trung thu"(spell). Actually I got moon cake from my landlord. She's so cute=).

Kung Pao shrimp

Moon Cake

Dear John
"Friends with benefits"
I wanna dedicade this post to my good friends Hang and My Thu. I have been knowing them for 1 year and my opinion is that we have became really good friends. They really taking care of their friends. So if you guys don't know these girls. Get to know them, they can really give you a "royal treatment" and I'm not talking about sexual things. ;)
You guys should know that even if I don't call, text you guys it doesn't means that I've forget you.
You guys should know that even if I don't call, text you guys it doesn't means that I've forget you.
The long way to Hunan Lu

So before I went out I took a quick look over the Nanjing city in google maps. It's unbelievable that I got lost. Instead of skate towards Hunan Lu, I manage some how to skate away from it. So I after awhile came to purple mountain, I didn't went up there. I was just at the bottom. Didn't want to take the cab back so I decided to just skate around Nanjing, it was an adventure to just do such a thing.
At 8 pm I started to get tired, so I took the cab to Hunan Lu. Took some photos and I found a nice store where they sell clothes and other small stuffs. I bought blazer and a really small but cheap straightener for 45 yuen (around 50 swedish kronor).
As you guys know I've started school. Some think that I go to classes with other people, no it's just me and the teacher. I couldn't go in the same class as the other because they only speak chinese in the lecture.

I miss them
This was before I went to China. I miss them so much, I wish they where here right now
Watch the video here
Watch the video here
Read some old entries at
I decided to use because it faster.
Sorry for the horrible blog design, I'll fix it when I got time. I fixed so that I can publish videos now and that's great=).
my old blog
Sorry for the horrible blog design, I'll fix it when I got time. I fixed so that I can publish videos now and that's great=).
my old blog